Nature's Solar Power and How it is Revolutionizing Agriculture"

  Solar power is revolutionizing agriculture by providing a sustainable, cost-effective, and efficient energy source. This transformation is helping to modernize farming practices, enhance productivity, and promote environmental sustainability. Solar-powered irrigation: Solar water pumps: these pumps use solar panels to draw water from wells, rivers, or reservoirs, providing a reliable water source for irrigation even in remote areas. Drip and sprinkler irrigation systems: solar energy powers these systems, ensuring precise water delivery to crops, reducing water waste, and improving crop yields. Solar greenhouses: Greenhouses equipped with solar panels generate their own electricity, reducing dependency on external power sources. These greenhouses can maintain optimal growing conditions year-round, increasing the production of high-value crops. Solar-powered machinery: Solar energy can power electric tractors, harvesters, and other farm machinery, reducing reliance

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL 3: Good Health and Well being


Health can be said to be a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Health is core to human development. Just as health shapes development, development shapes health.

Health and well-being are the aim of this goal and also, they are the result of other goals that empower people to develop better in different social, economic, and productive areas.

“Ensuring a healthy life and promoting well-being for all ages” is one of the most trans­versal goals, which is interconnected with the other SDGs.

The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction.

Healthy people are better able to contribute to the social, political, and economic development of their communities and countries and that is why the Sustainable Development Goals recognize that a wide range of health challenges strongly affect social and economic development and that investments in health and other areas of development can be mutually reinforcing.

Physical well-being depends on general good health and the satisfaction of the body’s primary needs, whereas psychological well-being is a more abstract notion that depends on personal evaluations and can appeal to social or economic suc­cess, pleasure, and harmony with oneself, other persons, or the environment.

Major global health priorities identified under SDG 3 include both infectious and noncommunicable diseases, substance abuse, sexual and reproductive health, universal coverage of essential health services and medicines, the health impact of pollution, tobacco control, research and development for medicines and vaccines, sustainable financing, the health workforce, regulatory frameworks that promote access to medicines and vaccines and strengthening capacity to address health emergencies essential health services and medicines.

SDG 3 is a multiple and universal resource on which sustainable development policies can be based and can lead to the sustainable maintenance of well-being and health.

Recognizing the interdependence between economic development, social as­pirations, including health and well-being, and the environment is a remarkable advancement.

SDG 1 (End poverty in all its forms everywhere) includes specific targets on social protection and access to basic services, both of which are critical to reducing poverty and improving health.

Today, humans are distributed in rich, emerg­ing, or poorer countries. Many of them face environmental and economic difficulties, inequalities, and poor access to drinking water and medical care.

The natural environment can be significantly degraded or threatened by the development of intensive and extensive agriculture, livestock or mining.

Populations are suffering from conflict and displacement or are exposed to insecurity. People displaced during humanitarian crises are particularly vulnerable to poor health due to a lack of adequate access to healthcare and social protection.

SDG 3 relates to almost all other goals, either because it directly or indirectly influ­ences them or because the situations and conditions of those goals have obvious repercussions on the health and well-being of individuals and populations.

Climate change will have evident health repercussions, and good health should favor better resilience of the affected populations. The phenomenon of massive urban­ization in different regions of the world will affect the health status of populations, particularly due to air pollution and urban heat island phenomena. Intensive ag­ricultural and livestock production, while providing food resources for the world’s population, may also contribute, in part, to the destruction of natural habitats, decreased water quality, and soil erosion, as well as the deterioration of peasant and farmer health.

Poverty is the main cause of poor health, and its eradication should improve overall health, and reduce health inequalities, food security is a major determinant factor of health, and education is also a major determinant factor of health and may contribute to the reduction of health inequalities, drinking water and sanitation are key factors for health and well-being, and can contribute significantly to the reduction of child mortality. Climate change and non-renewable energies are the main threats sources for human health and well-being in the coming years.

Access to paid employment and decent working conditions, determine the physical well-being of families, young people, and adults.

Durable practices and associated behaviors should help develop healthy and durable environments in the long term, and minimize the effects of catastrophes.

The consumption or overuse of natural resources including land use, inadequate food production, and excessive dietary behaviors, are a source of bad health and a major threat, both to climate malfunction and to the development of epidemics, such as obesity.

The use of durable resources, agricultural and livestock practices, and reasonable consumption, as well as, better redistribution of the resources should be encouraged.

Threats related to climatic malfunctions and extreme events are included in the main risk sanitary factors of today.

Over-exploitation of the oceans affects the world's food consumption and has health consequences. Freshwater environments are the main cause of infections and parasites, and their destabilization increases health risks.

Poor health and poverty often go together because an infected person becomes less productive and therefore has a lower capacity to generate income. The relationships between infectious diseases and poverty are not linear or ho­mogeneous, and they depend on income level to a large extent. A higher income allows better protection against infectious disease risks (e.g., purchase of drugs and bed nets) and has more complex effects on household members. The relationships between health and income also involve other variables, such as education.

SDG 3 is much more than the promotion, development, and protection of health. This goal on health and well-being is very much intertwined with all other goals, meaning the achievement of SDG 3 will have a huge influence on the fulfillment of other targets and vice-versa.

Maternal mortality refers to deaths due to complications from pregnancy or childbirth.

More than half of early child deaths are due to conditions that could be prevented or treated with access to simple, affordable interventions,

More than half the number of deaths in early childhood are preventable.

The SDG 3 implementation of “good health and well-being” ad­dresses health-related research extensively, ad­dressing not only their topics and habits but also their relationships with civil society.

Thanks for reading!!!

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